Rui Tanimura, RD

Rui Tanimura

Hi there! I’m Rui Tanimura, a Registered Dietitian with lived experience, and a Certified Yoga Teacher. I currently live in Colorado while working at Equip health, a virtual eating disorder treatment center. I have worked in all levels of care treating eating disorders from the ICU level to outpatient services.

I developed OSFED (other specified feeding or eating disorder) when I was a teen and as an elite athlete competing in track & field, volleyball, and competitive powerlifting. Unfortunately, due to my eating disorder, I injured my back chronically at a national powerlifting competition. This experience opened my eyes to the field of treating eating disorders.

I discovered through my lived experience and clinical experience that there is a lack of resources, providers, and research that discusses the nuances for those who are in the AAPI community and struggling with an eating disorder. My therapeutic approach is to prioritize rapport building through validation, compassion, and meeting the client where they are at. I share my lived experience when clinically appropriate, and understand ways I can ensure a safe space for all of my clients. My overall nutrition philosophy aligns with health at every size (HAES) and intuitive eating principles. I always like to say, I am not a RD who will throw a random meal plan at my clients. I work to deeply understand so that I can create personalized recommendations such as assessing cultural background, family culture around food/body/exercise, and past history with treatment.